
Monday, 28 March 2011

Just finished these off....

Well actually there are another two pairs of the variegated colour, but this is just a quick shot so my FB buddy can choose which colour she likes the best for her order. The proper pictures will be taken tomorrow when they are dry and on their display cards, which of course I will share with you all.

So, which do you prefer? Solid colour or the variegated. I like them both equally and think I'll make myself a pair in each colour (I've already nabbed myself a pink pair that I didnt show you all yesterday as I deemed them substandard)
Anyway, it's just a short one tonight as I think I'll now go downstairs and spend some time with my hubby...and maybe some knitting needles hehehehe
Night all and take care
Sam x


  1. I love them all! But I am partial to varigated.

  2. These are both so pretty Sam, I can't chose. I'm dying to learn to crochet so I can make gorgeous flowers like these :o)

  3. I ordered both pairs, and received them today, they are both beautiful and I will be proud to wear them, super packaging as well, so no damage to the posts of the earrings.
    thank you, hugs Angie x


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment. You guys make my day by doing this.
Sam x